Club Awards and Recipients


This award is not presented lightly as it is recognition of a fantastic effort put in by someone, whether it is on or off the field. The award recognizes that the recipient has put more into the club than any other individual.


This award is recognition of outstanding talent. The recipient is a player that is seen as having the potential for a great future in the game.


Rohan Summers was a member of our Division 1 men’s team when he was tragically killed in a road accident in 1987 on hockey duty. Rohan contributed more to the game than many who had played for a long period. Conscientious and dedicated in all he attempted, whether coaching or playing, Rohan was a great clubman. This award is given for recognition of an individuals ‘guts and determination’ as so often displayed by Rohan both on and off the field.


Arch Hardy is recognised as the founder of our club which was formed in 1937. His contribution to hockey was tireless both on and off the field with 556 games for the club and more than 20 years in executive positions. Arch was regarded as being one of the top three half-line players in the country. To this day he is still regarded as being our best player and hardest worker in every facet of the game. This award identifies with Arch and is presented as a junior club person award to an individual who leads by example and takes on extra roles making their presence felt around the club.


Awarded to the family seen as making the greatest contribution on the field. Off field input may also taken into consideration.


Dedicated to Ellis, this award illustrates as a club the importance of our off-field supporters as well as the players. Ellis was involved with the club as a player in the ‘City’ days and returned when his boys joined C.M.H.C. in the early 1980’s.His role in the club involved being a player, attending club meetings, representing the club, and Tasmania at state level (being the oldest player to represent state) and he donated a car to the club to assist with paying off McKenna Park debt. He was a mentor to players like David Guest who has since represented Australia, not to mention the many he has had a quiet word with regarding any aspect of their game. To those who did not have the privilege of knowing Ellis, please ask someone who does, as they are bound to have a story to tell regarding Ellis and the ‘red & white’. His commitment to and love of the CMHC leaves the recipient of this award to be commended on their support of our great club.


Molly was a great supporter of hockey, and the City Marians Hockey Club, and was Patron at the time of her passing. She would brave all weather to watch not only her family, but all teams, particularly the juniors, giving encouragement to all. Molly believed ‘You don’t have to be the best, as long as you do your best – on or off the field.’ This award is indicative of Molly’s beliefs and is awarded with these in mind.


Best and Fairest recognises a teams most consistently best player through out the season. The votes for this award are made by the players themselves.

Recent Club Award Recipients 2024

Club Person Craig McCarthy

Molly Cock Award Brody Birtwistle

Ellis Lamprey Award Zach Reider

Family Award Heyworth Family

Arch Hardy Award  Roman King

Rohan Summers Award Karlin Fernandini

Most Potential (Male) No recent recipient

Most Potential (Female) Kasia Taylor

Recent Player Best and Fairest Awards 2024

Division 1 Men Roman King (William Gates)*

Division 1 Women Lucy Vandenberg (Kasia Taylor)*

Division 2 Men Jason Birtwistle (Craig McCarthy)* 

Division 2 Women Kasia Taylor (Erin Wells)*

Division 3 Men Nathan King (Ray Howe)

Division 3 Women Veronica Whish-Wilson (Jemma Mitchell)*

Under 16 Roman King (Maitland Sayer)*

Under 13 William Heyworth (Leeland McLaren)*

* - runner up

Previous Club Award Recipients
(PDF download)

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 TasValve are a proud sponsor of City Marians Hockey Club Banjos is a proud sponsor of City Marians Hockey Club Cars R Us is a proud sponsor of City Marians Hockey Club Banjos is a proud sponsor of City Marians Hockey Club