Life membership is the greatest award that a club member can possibly obtain. To be nominated the club member must have contributed a minimum of 15 years service to the club. It is recognition of an individuals outstanding commitment to the club both on and off the field.
1969 Laurie Anderson
1969 Arch Hardy
1975 Brian Bissett
1975 David Bissett
1975 Ern Parker
1976 Bob Morrison
1980 Ian Morrison
1980 John Hyde
1981 Ian Cox
1984 Graeme Goninon
1985 Leon Goninon
1985 Glen Cock
1985 Wayne Garland
1985 Anthony Jago
1985 Colleen Ingles
1985 Trudy Redman
1986 Ross Cameron
1992 Ronnie Cock
1997 Ellis Lamprey
1997 Janine Hawkins
1997 Brett Rowsthorn
2004 Rodney Evans
2004 Craig McCarthy
2009 Allison Lamprey
2009 Jill Cock
2012 Geoffrey Hyland
2014 Trudy French
2014 Ricky Barrett
2014 Petrina Birtwistle
2014 David Kenworthy
2017 Robert Cameron
2018 David Townsend
2018 Jason Birtwistle
2021 Balt Vandenberg
2023 Amanda Long