Premiership Teams (1990 - 2007)
2007 Div 1 Women
defeated South Burnie
Rear: Tahnia Creedon, Racheal Blyth, Rachel Sohota (coach), Deb Kitic, Fiona Jackson, AJ Long, Therese Gibbons, Bec Hawkins
Front: Nikki Hardstaff, Lisa Bonney (captain), Vickie Greig, Aimee Officer, Brea Officer, Erin Wells, Katie Hardstaff (goalie)
2007 Div 2 Men
defeated Devonport
Rear: Leon Goninon, Terrence Ward, Theo, Dean Smith, James Dalla, Simon Vandenberg, Eddie Gates, David Kenworthy
Middle: Jamie Vandenberg, Lewis Ponting, Josh Salter, Kerry Davies, Jono Hawkins, Rhys French, Glen Cock
Front: Ashton Sayer (goalie), Kayden Dick (goalie)
2006 Div 1 Men
defeated Queechy Penguins
Rear: Leon Goninon (coach), Marty Bissett, Iain Cameron, Adam Lamprey, Jason Birtwistle (coach), Jamie Vandenberg, Michael Symonds, Luke Sayer
Front: Craig McCarthy, Jono Hawkins, Chris Anderson, Kerry Davies, David Townsend, Rhys Clarke, Ricky Barrett, Shane Lamprey (goalie)
2006 Div 2 Men
defeated Smithton
Rear: Michael Tolland, Jamie Vandenberg, Allen Bell, Jake Archer, Rhys French, Paul Eastley, Maurice Cock, David Kenworthy
Front: Leon Goninon, Dean Smith, Jono Hawkins, Glen Cock, James Dalla, Josh Salter, Ronnie Cock, Luke Sayer
2006 A Grade Women
Defeated Burnie Baptist
Rear: Jacqui Tolland (Coach), Amanda Long, Debra Kitic, Rebecca Hawkins, Therese Gibbons, Shelley Galpin, Kerry Davies (Coach), Ally Lamprey, Melanie Gates
Front: Amy Officer, Tahnia Creedon, Kimberly Bligh, Clare Symonds, Taylor Britton, Nikki Hardstaff, Katie Hardstaff
2006 Under 15
Rear: Glen Cock (Coach), Daniel Howard, Thomas Smith, Sabin Lynch, Cailyn Ogston, William Spurling, Luke Peters, Ryan Gates
Front: Spencer Stevens, Fiona Cock, Clare Symonds, Taylor Britton, Eddie Gates
2005 A Grade Women
defeated South Burnie
Rear: Allison Lamprey (emergency player), Therese Gibbons, Lisa Richardson, Amanda Long, Erin Wells, Sue Hyland, Janine Hawkins, Geoff Hyland (coach), Rebecca Hawkins, Louise Gates
Front: Tayla Britton, Fiona Cock, Brea Officer, Amy Officer, Melanie Field, Mel Gates
2005 Div 2 Men
defeated Burnie Baptist
Back: Ricky Barrett, Daniel Ferguson, Caleb Clark, Jake Archer, Leon Goninon, Chris Wenn, Tony Lamprey, Jamie Vandenberg
Front: Glen Cock, Rhys Clark, Michael Symonds, Shayne Lamprey, Dean Smith, Maurice Cock, Jono Hawkins, Michael Tolland
2005 Under 18
No Photo Available
defeated Smithton
Jason Trevarthan (coach), Maurice Cock, Jake Archer, Jono Hawkins, Dayna Staveley, James Dalla, Fiona Cock, Ben Lusted, Daniel Ferguson, Allison Lamprey, Michael Symonds, Anna Wainwright, Rhys Clark, Adam Lamprey
2005 Under 13
Rear: Reece Saward, Cassady Heath, Elissa Davies, Kayden Dick, William Gates, Malcom Watson, Joseph Gates, Rick Barrett
Front: Tara Heath, Claire Symonds, Spencer Stevens, Hayden Lamprey, Matthew Cameron
2004 Div 2 Men
No Photo Available
Shane Lamprey, Adam Lamprey, Jamie Vandenberg, Tony Lamprey, Leon Goninon Simon Vandenberg, Rhys Clark, Glen Cock, Dean Smith, Ricky Barrett, David Cock, Ronnie Cock, Maurice Cock, Michael Tolland
2004 Under 13 White
No Photo Available
Ashton Sayer, Cameron Elphinstone, William Spurling, Ryan Gates, Eddie Gates Thomas Smith, Claire Symonds, Daniella Innes, Fiona Cock, Kathleen Wood, Kendall Shotton, Saibian Lynch, William gates, Monique Grundy, Myles Jordan
2003 A Reserve Women
Defeated Brooklyn 3-2
Rear: C.Sherston, T.Gibbons, J.Daniels, L.Richardson, M.Gates, L.Sayer, A.Officer, S.Galpin
Front: J.Hawkins, F.Cock, D.Staveley, A.Wainwright, J.Cock, A.Lamprey
2003 Div 2 Men
Defeated Burnie Baptist 3-0
Shane Lamprey, A Lamprey, L Goninon, S Vandenberg, D Kenworthy, M Tolland, M Cock, T Lamprey, D Smith, R Barrett, D Cock, Glen Cock, R Cock, G Major, R Tregurtha
2003 Div 3 Men
No Photo available
Defeated South Burnie 2-0
D Townsend, G Hyland, Shane Lamprey, S Wilson, A Wilson, R Evans, S St Claire, K Rogers, B Vandenberg, K Hite, J Hawkins, B Kershaw, N Jago, M Davis, R Galpin, C Falder
2003 Under 13 White
No photo available
Defeated City Marians Red 2-1
G Palmer, A Bell, S Gates, A Wainwright, A Sayer, W Spurling, E Gates, H Lamprey, M Piesker-Richings, R French, W Tennant, S Norton, K Spurling
2000 Division 2 Men
Rear: P.Eastley, K.Hite, D.Smith, P.Cock, L.Holloway, R.Evans, G.Cock, M.Tolland
Front: S.Lamprey, R.Cock, P.Murphy, T.Lamprey, R.barrett, L.Goninon, D.Townsend, J.Radford
1998 A Grade
Front: D Drake, H Butler, K Brown, N Brown, P Goninon, J Keogh, M Hobson, E Connelly
Rear: T Gleeson, T Carter, C Margetts, S Groves, G Gillies, K Costelloe (assistant coach), Janine Hawkins - goalie (absent)
1998 A Reserve
Rear: Janet Boland, Cheryl Gardam, Jenny Culph, Lisa Bonney (at the time), Theresa Marshall, Brea Officer, Deb Trevarthen (G), Jodi Gardam & Dougie.
Front: AJ, Kristy Walker, Amy Officer (winning goal scorer!), (Shield), Rebecca Hawkins, Erin Connolly (at the time), Amy Redman & Stacey Ashton.